Breaking the Code
Behavioral science is a cornerstone of modern marketing practice, but much of what passes itself off as behavioral science is just bs. Good social science gives us the insights and roadmap we need to change behavior, but bad social science just muddies the water and tarnishes the social sciences. As behavior change is a core objective of marketing, getting behavioral science right is crucial. Join us as two behavioral scientists sound off on what is, and isn't, good social science, from a variety of disciplines covering new topics every podcast.
Your hosts: Brad Davidson, PhD and Sonika Garcia, MPH - Medical Anthropology Strategists at Havas Health & You.
Breaking the Code
"I Think I'm Turning into my Parents": A Celebration of Life Stage Similarities and Generational Differences
Use this link to view the video form of this episode: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/havashealthandyou_onehavas-meaningfuldifference-breakingthecode-activity-7140365496129875968-ZpsM?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
Have you ever thought about how we describe young people as "finding their way" and older people as "stuck in their ways"? Gen Z, currently a cohort entering young adulthood, is commonly referred as being the most progressive generation, but so were Millennials and Gen X when they were young adults. Conversations and findings about generations are often conflated with truths about life stages and aging. The idea that millennials are begrudgingly warming up to minivans is evidence of aging, not something unique to their generation--we all change when we form families and have a desire for more space. Gen X feeling that they're an ignored cohort in shadow of Baby Boomers, however, is unique and truly "generational" - a lifelong feeling that is tied to their life experiences in a way that other cohorts won't feel.
This very special episode is a celebration of 1 year of Breaking the Code. The full team, Brad, Sonika and Gabriel sit down in front of the camera to take the BS out of over-generalized discussions about generational cohorts and coming of age.
Thank you so much for listening to Breaking the Code in 2023! The feedback and discussion that comes from the episodes is a big part of why this is one of our favorite projects. We're breaking for the holidays and will be back with a new episode early in the new year.
If you have any questions, feedback, or just want to say hi, email us at medicalanthropology@havas.com
Check out Breaking the Code on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/breaking-the-code-havas-health-and-you-podcast