Breaking the Code
Behavioral science is a cornerstone of modern marketing practice, but much of what passes itself off as behavioral science is just bs. Good social science gives us the insights and roadmap we need to change behavior, but bad social science just muddies the water and tarnishes the social sciences. As behavior change is a core objective of marketing, getting behavioral science right is crucial. Join us as two behavioral scientists sound off on what is, and isn't, good social science, from a variety of disciplines covering new topics every podcast.
Your hosts: Brad Davidson, PhD and Sonika Garcia, MPH - Medical Anthropology Strategists at Havas Health & You.
Breaking the Code
The Pain We Feel: Culture in Storytelling and The Learned Expression of Emotions
Something that has fascinated us recently is the role culture plays in the emotional aspects of storytelling. The emotional response, its justification and the words used to describe it all are heavily influenced by an individual's identity and how they've learned to express themselves. In this episode, we discuss some of the culture differences when it comes to talking about pain and the importance of being a good listener. In our roles, we are listeners that support other listeners, whether its an HCP hearing their patients needs or members of a disease community propping each other up. Listening to someone's pain, however they express it, is how we learn and design successful outcomes for them..
Like you'll hear us say many times in the episode, pain is a broad topic with many interesting facets to discuss and discover - and we intend to do more episodes on other aspects of pain in the future. While listening, if you hear something interesting that you would like to hear more about, feel free to reach out to Brad, Sonika and Gabriel using the email below.
If you have any questions, feedback, or just want to say hi, email us at medicalanthropology@havas.com
Check out Breaking the Code on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/breaking-the-code-havas-health-and-you-podcast